Winter movie night

Movie night

This is based on an actual outfit that I actually wore to a movie a few weeks ago (Thor: Thor Returns, or whatever it was called. It was fun, despite my sort of making fun of the name). My dress is actually prettier than this, I think. It’s this print, but the cut and shape of the dress is more like this. The material is sort of silky and soft; it really feels nice.

It’s really more of a fall dress, but we’re way past fall and I was just dying to wear it.

Aren’t those glasses (in the teal/green combo) gorgeous? I really want them.

Proud as a …


Oh, how I love this shirt. It’s soft and flattering and the colors are so gorgeous (they’re much more brilliant than this photo; I was trying to be artsy-fartsy with the photography). And it’s made by a crunchy granola type company with a cool ethos that I admire. But mostly –  giant purple-and-blue peacock! It’s a shirt both my three-and-a-half-year-old and I love, for pretty much the same reasons.

And I wore it today with a jean skirt and new patterned, lacy tights. I’ve never worn patterned, lacy tights before. Alas, I wore the wrong shoes, so I’m not including a shot of that part of the ensemble.



I’ve had glasses since I was eight and I pretty much loathed them. I got contacts when I was sixteen and wore them pretty much exclusively until I was in my mid-thirties or so (so, you know, last year). For some reason, my eyes can’t tolerate them any more. I blame a computer-intensive job, but who knows? Every year my eye doctor tells me there are fancy-dancy new contacts for sensitive eye-peeps, and I give ’em a whirl, but I just can’t wear them any more.

Enter fun, pretty glasses! Since I started wearing glasses again all the time, I treat them like accessories. I like to mix it up with ’em, and I have three pairs right now (not including a cruddy old pair that I wear when I get up in the morning. And not including a pair of prescription sunglasses that are pretty rad, I have to say). I’d have a different pair for every day if I could, but hey, glasses are expensive!

This is my favorite pair. They’re from Ogi, a local company (I have another Ogi pair – they have some really cute stuff. You should check ’em out). I love these glasses; I constantly get compliments on them. The red is a rich, almost burgundy color that’s quite striking, and the shape is librarian-chic.

I’m sort of hoping that we have money left over in our flex spending account in December so that I can get another, even funkier, pair.

I’m starting to believe

Mirrors, mirrors, on the wall ...

"Mommy, can you take a picture of me lookin' in the mirror?"

those stories about how Suri Cruise (and other young tots of celebs, apparently) picks out her mom’s clothes. This morning, AG looked me over and said (somewhat under her breath), “Mommy’s wearin’ a long skirt.” Then she glanced at my feet and said (with a note of some disdain), “Are you wearin’ those shoes again?”

‘Tis true. I am not as fashionable as my toddler.

Monday, Monday

Monday, Monday

I need to interject here that I don’t actually own the clothes that I make sets of in Polyvore. Well, sometimes I do, but usually they’re just fantasy outfits. Which probably says something about my lack of creativity, that I’m not coming up with Lady Gaga-esque concoctions of magnets, felt, and railroad spikes, but there you have it. In this set, however, I do own the Nespresso Aeroccino milk frother (which I adore), as well as the Paris tea by Harney & Sons, which I drink pretty much every morning and highly recommend.